You will be able to book tickets from 9:30am on Monday 30th January.
Book here.
Lecturers: Joe Frost, Catherine O’Donnell, Annelies Jahn, Tango Conway
Location: Sydney Opera House
In 2023 the Sydney Opera House celebrates its 50th birthday. With the support of the SOH’s Centre for Creativity this workshop will offer NAS students unprecedented use of indoor studio space within Jorn Utzon’s extraordinary building for four days, with guided tours by staff and opportunities to draw on location within designated spaces inside and outside the building.
The focus of your work will depend on your artistic interests and your experience of the Sydney Opera House. Inspiration can be found in Utzon’s unique architectural forms, the human activities within and around the building or the views afforded by the Bennelong Point location. Whatever your interests, the opportunity to work for four continuous days will enable a process of development through drawing that parallels the design process of this architectural monument: from the setting down of initial thoughts through sketches and observed drawings to more sustained drawings in the studio.

Please note: The Sydney Opera House is a UNESCO World Heritage-listed building and all workshop participants are responsible for ensuring there is no damage to the site.
Bottled ink, acrylic paint and oil paint are not permitted in this workshop.
All students must listen to SOH Staff instructions when moving through spaces and adhere to safety policies.
Covered, comfortable shoes are essential (no thongs or sandals). Bring a hat and sunscreen for protection while working outdoors.

Materials Guide
When drawing throughout the building and its exterior spaces, we will use pencil only – this could be graphite pencil, coloured pencil or charcoal pencil. Bring erasers – kneadable and hard.
In the Centre for Creativity studio the following materials may be used: charcoal (in stick form), pastel (pencil or stick), watercolour, paint pens and ink pens. No oil-based mediums such as oil crayon are to be used.
Bring a sketchbook and a range of papers: cartridge or other lightweight papers for quicker drawings, heavier papers (e.g. Canson Dessin for pencil and light wash, Hot Pressed or Cold Pressed watercolour papers for watercolour or pastel drawings, Stonehenge for charcoal etc.) for sustained drawings.
Bring a lightweight drawing board if you have one. Brings bulldog clips, tape and any other basic equipment to suit your approach to drawing.